
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Young Authors Awards Winners


Congratulations, Young Authors!

We are delighted to present OECTA’s 2023-24 Young Authors Awards/Prix jeunes écrivains provincial winners’ works, collected in this anthology. We celebrate their literary talents and ingenuity.

We applaud all our winners, as well as the thousands of students across the province who participated in the classroom, school, and unit levels of the awards program. The insightful works crafted by these young authors remind us that the next great Canadian writers are presently in our classrooms.

The enthusiasm and dedication of individual students and supporters ensure that the Young Authors Awards/Prix jeunes écrivains program continues to grow and improve with each year. We appreciate the commitment of our wonderful teachers, who inspire, encourage, and provide students with the opportunity to empower themselves through this experience.

The Young Authors Awards/Prix jeunes écrivains program would not be possible without the hard work of many OECTA members across the province. Teachers, Association Representatives, Unit Presidents, and Unit Executive members all play critical roles directing the program in their respective classrooms, schools, and units. Members contribute their talent, time, and effort to preserve the spirit and continued success of the awards.

Together, we honour the outstanding work of our teachers and students.

Click here to see the 2024 edition!
